On Tuesday, Feb. 27th, at 7 PM in the AWC theatre, Arnold Baer, Director of Field Services for the Humane Society of the United States, will be in town to give a presentation about the HSUS's First Strike program. The HSUS defines the goal of their First Strike campaign as the following: "to raise public and professional awareness about the connection between animal cruelty and human violence and to help communities identify some of the origins of violence, predict its patterns, and prevent its escalation."
Animal abuse is often not taken as seriously as human violence, and as such is more likely to not be hidden from public view or knowledge by the perpetrators. As a community, it is our responsibility to recongnize the connection between animal and human violence and to act on the animal abuse we see. During this public presentation, Baer will discuss how an awareness of the connection can help law enforcement, educators, social service workers, and government officials combat violent crime.
HSUS's First Strike coming to Yuma
at 2/22/2007 05:50:00 PM Topics animal cruelty, events, First Strike, HSUS